WIT Sponsorship

WIT sponsors support the wealth of programming that expands the professional development of women in the technology field. WIT sponsors see benefits in the following areas:

  • Brand Marketing - position your company as an advocate for women in technology
  • Recruiting – raise your profile among successful women in technology 
  • Networking – offer memberships to your employees to participate in events year-round, meeting women in technology from the classroom to the boardroom

WIT Sponsor Levels

WIT offers a wide variety of sponsorship levels from $1,500 - $25,000 per year. Benefits include:

  • Memberships for employees
  • Job Fair booth priority
  • Free postings on WIT Career Center
  • Access to WIT member resumes posted on WIT Career Center
  • Opportunity to host a Meet the Company event
  • Quarterly in-person sponsor roundtable events to network with WIT leaders and other sponsors
  • Priority opportunities to participate as a speaker for WIT events and WIT Podcast
  • Discounts on participation in select WIT programs including The Leadership Foundry and Mentor-Protégé
  • Leadership Awards tickets
  • Logo on WIT website, display of WIT logo on your website 

To become a WIT sponsor, please contact sponsorship@womenintechnology.org or our business office staff@womenintechnology.org.