Women in Technology's Annual Leadership Awards

The Women in Technology Leadership Awards recognize and honor female leaders whose achievements, mentorship, and contributions to the community align with the WIT mission of advancing women in technology from the classroom to the boardroom. These are highly successful women who have made mentoring leaders in technology a significant component of their own success.

Typical nominees for the Leadership Awards work in a technology role or for a technology company where they accelerate at leadership and innovation. In addition they stimulate professional growth of those they manage or mentor through their actions and encouragement. Nomination categories offer many opportunities to highlight the outstanding capabilities and accomplishments of women from large and small public and private organizations, demonstrating social impact, being a stellar contributor to WIT and others.

Key Dates

October 1, 2024
Nominations Open
November 15, 2024
Nominations Close
Late January Finalists Announced
May 15, 2025
Leadership Awards Banquet

26th Annual Leadership Awards

Thursday, May 15, 2025 | Hyatt Regency Reston | Reston, VA


Volunteer Opportunity

The Leadership Awards are run by an all-volunteer committee of WIT members. Roles include communications/promotions, sponsor outreach, finalist relations, and other logistics. It’s a great opportunity to interact with some of the area’s premier leaders in technology.

Interested in getting involved? Contact leadershipawards@womenintechnology.org



Email leadershipawards@womenintechnology.org